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According to Stratistics MRC, the Global Needle-Free Injection System Market is accounted for $175.60 million in 2023 and is expected to reach $593.40 million by 2030 growing at a CAGR of 19% during the forecast period. The administration of medications is revolutionized by a needle-free injection system, which provides a convenient and painless substitute for traditional injections. This ground-breaking technology does away with the need for needles by using high pressure to push a thin stream of medication through the skin. Moreover, needle-free injection systems expedite medical procedures while improving patient comfort and compliance through accurate dosage delivery and a decreased risk of needle-related injuries or infections.
According to the American Medical Association, Advancements in medical technology, such as Needle-Free Injection Systems, are crucial in improving patient care by offering innovative and less invasive methods of medication delivery.
Demand for painless medication delivery techniques
Painless drug delivery methods are in demand due to a number of factors, including patient preferences. This is particularly true for older and pediatric populations, who may find traditional needle injections to be uncomfortable or cause them more anxiety. Aversion to pain or needle phobia also increases the likelihood that a patient will look for alternate delivery methods. Furthermore, the need for these systems is being further stimulated by technological developments in needle-free injection systems, which guarantee painless administration and provide accurate dosage control, lowering the possibility of medication waste and improving therapeutic performance.
Cost consequences and issues with affordability
Needle-free injection systems can come with a hefty upfront cost, which includes purchasing supplies, educating medical staff, and integrating the system with the current healthcare setup. These systems may present financial difficulties for healthcare facilities due to their ongoing maintenance, calibration, and consumable costs, especially in resource-constrained environments or areas with tight healthcare budgets. Additionally, there may be differences in the coverage and reimbursement guidelines for needle-free injection systems among various healthcare systems, which could affect patients' access to and affordability.
Extension of medicinal uses
There are a lot of opportunities for expanding therapeutic applications across different medical specialties with needle-free injection systems. Interest in using this technology to administer biologics, peptides, and innovative treatments is growing beyond traditional use cases like insulin delivery and vaccinations. Advances in formulation science, drug delivery engineering, and microfluidics have made it possible for needle-free injection systems to handle a wider variety of drugs, including sensitive biopharmaceuticals and high-viscosity formulations. Moreover, the proliferation of therapeutic applications not only fills unmet clinical needs but also expands patient access to cutting-edge treatments and creates new markets and revenue streams for manufacturers.
Market saturation and competitive landscape
The market for needle-free injection systems is characterized by fierce competition between long-standing competitors and recent entries vying for market share. The market may get more saturated as the technology develops and becomes more widely used, which could result in price pressure, commoditization, and a decline in profit margins. New entrants may find it difficult to break into the market due to established manufacturer's competitive advantage over smaller businesses, which includes extensive R&D capabilities and global distribution networks. Furthermore, the dominance of needle-free injection systems is in jeopardy due to the development of alternative drug delivery technologies like transdermal patches, microneedle patches, and oral delivery systems.
The market for needle-free injection systems has seen differing effects from the COVID-19 pandemic. Needle-free injection systems have become more popular because they provide a needle-free option that lowers the risk of needlestick injuries and cross-contamination. On the one hand, this is due to the increased focus on infection control and minimizing risks associated with healthcare-associated transmission. The necessity of patient self-administration devices, such as needle-free injection systems, for at-home treatment plans and virtual consultations has been highlighted by the pandemic's shift towards telemedicine and remote healthcare delivery models. However, delays in elective treatments and non-essential medical procedures have been caused by supply chain disruptions, economic uncertainty, and the decision to focus resources on COVID-19 response efforts.
The Spring-based segment is expected to be the largest during the forecast period
The needle-free injection system with spring technology commands the largest market share. Without the need for needles, spring-based systems deliver drugs through the skin using the mechanical force produced by a compressed spring. Because of these systems' affordability, dependability, and ease of use, they are extensively used. They are appropriate for a variety of medical applications, such as vaccinations, insulin delivery, and hormone therapy; because they provide accurate dosage control, ease of use, and a low risk of cross-contamination or needlestick injuries. Additionally, spring-based needle-free injection systems are easy to use, which makes them appropriate for patient self-administration in both home and clinical settings.
The Oncology segment is expected to have the highest CAGR during the forecast period
In the market for needle-free injection systems, the oncology segment is anticipated to have the highest CAGR. In the oncology segment, needle-free injection systems are used to administer different cancer therapeutics, such as immunotherapies, targeted therapies, and chemotherapy medications. Moreover, the primary factors driving this growth are the rising global incidence of cancer, the need for more patient-friendly and efficient drug delivery systems, and improvements in cancer treatment options. For cancer patients, needle-free injection systems provide a number of benefits, including decreased pain, better adherence to treatment, and increased accuracy in drug delivery-all of which are critical for maximizing therapeutic results and minimizing side effects.
In the market for needle-free injection systems, North America has the largest share. The presence of a well-established healthcare infrastructure, high healthcare spending, a strong regulatory environment, and early adoption of cutting-edge medical technologies are some of the factors that are credited with this dominance. Growth in the market is also fueled by rising spending on R&D, an increase in the prevalence of chronic illnesses like diabetes and cancer, and increased public awareness of infection control procedures and needlestick injuries. Additionally, the extensive use of needle-free injection systems in North America's clinical applications can be attributed to the strategic actions taken by major industry participants, partnerships between drug companies and device manufacturers, and advantageous reimbursement policies.
In the market for needle-free injection systems, Asia Pacific is anticipated to grow at the highest CAGR. Numerous factors are contributing to this growth, such as rising healthcare costs, greater access to healthcare services, increased use of cutting-edge medical technologies, and rising public awareness of the advantages of needle-free injection systems. Furthermore, there are a lot of market opportunities for Needle-Free Injection System manufacturers in the region due to the large population base, especially in China and India. The Asia Pacific market is also growing as a result of efforts to improve the infrastructure for healthcare, regulatory changes, and R&D spending.
Key players in the market
Some of the key players in Needle-Free Injection System market include Ferring B.V, INVIO Pharmaceutical Inc, Bioject Medical Technologies, Medical International Technology, Inc, PharmaJet, 3M, Portal Instruments, NovaXS Biotech, Enesi Pharma Limited, Antares Pharma, NuGen Medical Devices, Crossject SA and Injex Pharma AG.
In January 2024, INOVIO, a biotechnology company focused on developing and commercializing DNA medicines to help treat and protect people from HPV-associated diseases, cancer and infectious diseases, announced a clinical collaboration and supply agreement with Coherus BioSciences, Inc. to evaluate the combination of INO-3112 and LOQTORZI(TM) as a potential treatment for patients with locoregionally advanced, high-risk, HPV16/18 positive oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma (OPSCC), a type of head and neck cancer commonly known as throat cancer.
In May 2023, 3M is expanding its ongoing commitment to materials science-based climate tech solutions by working with Svante Technologies, Inc. (Svante) to develop material that can trap carbon dioxide (CO2) found in the atmosphere and permanently remove it.
In December 2023, NuGen Medical Devices Inc. a leading developer of needle-free devices to administer therapeutics subcutaneously, is pleased to announce that, as of December 12, 2023, Advance Medical Life Co. Ltd., a limited liability company domiciled in Bangkok, Thailand, became the exclusive distributor for NuGen's needle-free InsuJet(TM) device aimed at improving the delivery of care and life for millions of diabetics worldwide. InsuJet(TM) is approved for sale in Thailand as a medical device.